If you want to get all the information about CGPSC Prelims Result 2022 then definitely read our article carefully till the end. Because today you will be told in our article that when your answer key and cut off marks will be released. In our article, you will also be provided information about the merit list, as well as you will be told about the process of downloading it. Along with this, you will also be told clearly about how to check the result. We hope that your result will be released as per your eligibility.
CGPSC Prelims Result 2022
This recruitment is organized every year by the Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission, for which a large number of candidates apply. But only eligible candidates are recruited for this post. This year a total of 67 vacancies have been released for this post. The application for this post was also done in online mode. For which the fixed date was fixed and after that, they could not submit their application form. Applications could be made only by visiting the official website.
The written exam for the post of Forest Service was conducted on 12th December 2021 in offline mode. Which was organized in different centers in a completely fair manner. This post was organized at the state level, so only residents of Chhattisgarh could apply for it. Your result for this post will be released in online mode which you can check your hall ticket and date of birth. For this, your answer key will also be issued in online mode on CGPSC.
Chhattisgarh Prelims Result 2022
Authority name | Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission [CGPSC] |
Post Name | Forest Services |
Total vacancy | 67 |
Job location | Chattisgarh |
Level | State Level |
Exam date | 12 Dec 2021 |
Result Mode | Online |
Result date | NA |
Website | www.cgpsc.nic.in |
CGPSC Prelims Cut Off Marks 2022
The cut off marks for this recruitment will be released in online mode. By this list, you can get an idea of how many marks you have to get recruited. It will be issued separately for all the categories. Your merit list is prepared on the basis of cut off marks and your result. Cut off marks play a very important role in any recruitment. Therefore, all the information about it is available in the table given below, which are as follows-
Category | Cut Off Marks |
GEN | NA |
OBC | NA |
SC | NA |
ST | NA |
CGPSC Prelims Merit List 2022
The merit list will also be released a few days after the release of the result for the prelims exam. Which will be released in online mode only on the official website. Only those candidates will be named in the merit list who will be selected. Therefore, it is mandatory to have your name on this list to be admitted. For this recruitment, you have to first pass the preliminary exam. After that Mains exam will be conducted for the candidates who will qualify in this exam. The candidates who will pass in it will be recruited through interviews.

What is mentioned in your CGPSC Prelims Result 2022?
All the details mentioned in your result will be something like this-
- Authority name
- Candidate name
- Roll number
- Hall ticket number
- Date of birth
- Father’s name
- Exam date
- Result date
- Total marks
- The final result, etc
How to download PDF online CGPSC Prelims Result 2022?
- To get the result, you have to click on the link to the online portal.
- Then search and select the result option on the home page.
- On the next page, you have to enter your hall ticket number and DOB.
- Then save your result and also download PDF.
- Do not forget to take the hard copy of the result for future reference.
- Hope you have got all the information about CGPSC Prelims Result 2022 in our article.
Official Website | Click Here |
Technicalhelps Homepage | Click Here |
Frequently Asked Questions
Ques. When will the result be released?
- Ans. The result will be released soon in online mode.
Ques. How many vacancies are released for this post?
- Ans. A total of 67 vacancies have been released for this post.
Ques. When was the written exam conducted?
- Ans. Your written exam was conducted on 12th December 2021.
Ques. What is the official website link to check the result?
- Ans. Here is the link of CGPSC to check the result- cgpsc.nic.in.